Get checked

What is an NHS Health Check?

A 25-minute appointment at your GP surgery, where they will:

  • Check your blood pressure
  • Collect information on your height, weight, smoking status, physical activity levels and diet
  • Order and review your blood test for cholesterol.

With all the information gathered, they will be able to provide you with your personalised risk of conditions related to heart and circulation.

Who is it for?

The check is for people who are aged 40-74, who do not have any of the following pre-existing conditions:

  • heart disease
  • chronic kidney disease
  • diabetes
  • high blood pressure (hypertension)
  • atrial fibrillation
  • transient ischaemic attack
  • inherited high cholesterol
  • heart failure
  • peripheral arterial disease
  • stroke
  • currently being prescribed statins to lower cholesterol
  • previous checks have found that you have a 20% or higher risk of getting cardiovascular disease over the next 10 years.

How do I get one?

If you are in the 40 to 74 age group and are eligible, you should receive a letter from your GP surgery inviting you for a free check every 5 years.

You can also call your GP surgery to book an NHS Health Check.

Why should I get an NHS Health Check?

You will have your individual risk of getting conditions related to the heart or circulation calculated and explained to you. And you will be given advice on how to make small lifestyle changes that can have a big impact to lower your risk and improve your health.

What happens after the NHS Health Check?

It will be up to you to make healthy changes!

You may also have follow-up appointments with the GP and/or be referred to free services in Islington , such as stop smoking, weight management, exercise, etc.

Will I be wasting the GP’s time?

No, NHS Health Checks is a national prevention programme in England, aimed to support people to make healthy changes before they develop more serious conditions related to heart and circulation in later life.

What if I am not eligible?

You can find out your heart age here, and see the NHS website for more information here: